My name is Brandon Branco, and I formulated Ur-Out over several years within my carpet cleaning company in the pet friendly city of Nashville Tennessee. As a professional carpet cleaner, pet odor removal is one of our top complaints. After years of field studies and an in-depth understanding of the Uric Salt Cycle, I discovered the best way to get pet urine smell out of carpet is by way of speeding up the Nitrogen Cycle.
During my time in the field, I began using a probiotic bacteria that was in concentrated form. This made a huge difference. By keeping our probiotic formula dormant, we found that it intensified the results as the bacteria unleashed far more power than an already-activated odor removal sitting on a store shelf. We also found that by adding our dormant formula to hot water further intensified the odor elimination by allowing the bacteria to produce decomposing enzymes at a much faster rate.
After successfully removing pet urine odors from literally thousands of homes, we decided to offer Ur-OUT to pet owners and fellow carpet cleaners alike. Our proven formula quickly and permanently eliminates pet urine from your carpet, rugs and hardwood floors. Shop Now to learn just how easy and inexpensive it is to make your home smell fresh and clean again!